Who said masculinity was fragile?

Masculinity is portrayed as being dominant, showing feelings is viewed as being weak. Living in a time where if you express yourself you're looked at as acting 'female like'. Many people do not realize that sex and gender are completely different. The sex of a person deals with whether you are male or female and the gender of a person deals with whether they are masculine or feminine. From birth you are already put into a category, before you can even decipher who you are, you are told on what is the appropriate behavior for your sex.

Not all men are cold and heartless and not all mothers are nurturing. A kiss on the cheek is considered a feminine act and should not be done in American society between men because it is looked at as a female thing to do. That just goes to show how masculine bias looks down on men that may carry feministic traits. You see masculine values overshadowing feminine values in today’s culture, so feministic people will tend to be treated as if they were at a lower level.

Eavyn, 2016

Eavyn, 2016