Fruits of Silence

Really not much to say but a lot to feel.

I see they voted Brett Kavanaugh in Supreme Court still after all the allegations.

At this point it’s not about him, it’s much deeper than that, it’s been a problem for too long now. (Inspired by a political cartoon by Bruce MacKinnon)


"Perhaps one did not want to be loved so much as to be understood." - George Orwell


Guerrilla G.

Inspired by The Guerrilla Girls. 

The Guerrlla Girls stated "less than 5% of the artists in the modern art sections are women, but 85% of the nudes are female."

Why? What's it like today?


The 'American' Dream

"The American dream is known as a dream of land in which life should be better for every individual despite social class or circumstances of birth. However, despite the fact that we live in a free country where everyone should be treated with equal respect, Muslims are frowned upon based on the action of certain other so called 'Muslims'.  Being a Muslim in America is not as easy as people make it out to be. Being Muslim in America means that We're obligated to fight against racial injustice. Being Muslim in America makes it seem like the dream wasn't made for people like us. Being Muslim in America is having to prove we're good people when in reality we shouldn't have to prove anything. Being Muslim in America is a women being afraid of wearing a hijab or a man afraid of growing a beard. How free is free?"

Yohna Qureshi

Laissez Tomber Les Filles

Laissez tomber les filles
'Sez tomber les filles
Et un jour c’est toi qu’on laissera
Laissez tomber les filles
'Sez tomber les filles
Et un jour c’est toi qu’on laissera
Oui j'ai pleuré mais ce jour-là
Non, je ne pleurerai pas
Non, je ne pleurerai pas
Oui j'ai pleuré mais ce jour-là
Je ne pleurerai pas
Je ne pleurerai pas

Condemned to Paradise

When religion is forced upon people, especially the younger generation, and when presented as irrefutable fact, it can funnel the mind and cause one to be close-minded. Ever since religion was created, people have been taught to be quiet, not to question, that this is the way it is. Likewise, indoctrinating that one is condemned to follow all of these rules just for the promise of paradise. Religion should be taught but not in the way as one being labeled as Christian, Catholic, Muslim etc. (and for that reason this is what you believe) before one can even learn about it.  

Propaganda: Feeding us for profit

Now a days they'll sell you 'racism' to divide, fitting the agenda, not knowing they're doing more harm to themselves when they start choking on their own words. 

Propaganda- information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.


Beauty Behind the Madness

One of my favorite artists is The Weeknd. Most of my work is influenced by his music and while listening to his album "Beauty Behind the Madness" I was able to bring to life my interpretation of it. Many of us are masked by an image we may not like, whether it's what others think about us or what we think about ourself. Ultimately there will always be beauty in the struggle because in order to get to the point where you can contribute something beautiful, you have to go through the struggles.

A reflection in time

Inspired by religion and nature, how everything is all connected. The reflection of your outside world and what you believe in is a reflection of you.

No justice, No peace

It's evident that the justice system isn't so just, especially to those of color. There are unarmed black people being killed every other day on camera by police officers, the ones that are supposed to serve and protect, and somehow they still manage to get away with it, how does our country expect for us to react? No way will we remain silent. People have tried peaceful protests but are still being treated as if they are acting violent. Treat people like such, they start becoming like such. America is slowly going back in time, it's 2016 and black lives still don't matter. When a white southern man can walk into a black church and kill multiple people and get treated to burger king after, there is a serious problem. 


Who said masculinity was fragile?

Masculinity is portrayed as being dominant, showing feelings is viewed as being weak. Living in a time where if you express yourself you're looked at as acting 'female like'. Many people do not realize that sex and gender are completely different. The sex of a person deals with whether you are male or female and the gender of a person deals with whether they are masculine or feminine. From birth you are already put into a category, before you can even decipher who you are, you are told on what is the appropriate behavior for your sex.

Not all men are cold and heartless and not all mothers are nurturing. A kiss on the cheek is considered a feminine act and should not be done in American society between men because it is looked at as a female thing to do. That just goes to show how masculine bias looks down on men that may carry feministic traits. You see masculine values overshadowing feminine values in today’s culture, so feministic people will tend to be treated as if they were at a lower level.

Eavyn, 2016

Eavyn, 2016

Come in, Regret, Repeat

Men sometimes tend to forget what a woman would sacrifice for their satisfaction. Whether we like to admit it or not women are a major influence on why men may carry themselves in certain ways. 

"Women are, in my view, natural peacemakers. As givers and nurturers of life, through their focus on human relationships and their engagement with the demanding work of raising children and protecting family life, they develop a deep sense of empathy that cuts through to underlying human realities." - Daisaku Ikeda

Lost one

Grand Central Terminal is one of the most inspirational places that I've had the chance to experience many times. You see all types of people, ranging from the less fortunate to the upscale. Some sitting covered in cardboard and blankets asking for change, while others walk through vicariously with their briefcase in one hand, texting in the other. One individual that stood out to me on one of my trips was a man that didn't seem to fit in any category but his own. Seemed as though he wasn't trapped, no destination, just him, his journal, smiles and thoughts. Some may call it being lost, but not all those who wander are lost.

Lost one, 2016

Lost one, 2016